From this page you can find information about neuroscience related events that take place in Oulu and Oulu area.

Want to have your own event on the list? Get in touch with us!

Up coming events:

Up coming events coming soon!

Events organized elsewhere in Finland in the events calendar of the National Neurocenter at:

Past events:

New Frontiers for Prevention Psychiatry “Intervening in childhood to improve life-long mental health trajectories, adult functioning and social inclusion” Seminar

BrainBreak: Narsismi ja alttius skitsofreniaan 1.11.2023

Translational research in neuroscience – from cellular signaling to new treatments

BrainBreak: Novel early-onset neurological and multiorgan diseases and their disease models 7.12.2022

Studio Lipaston Tiedevartti: Asiaa aivoterveydestä 14.11.2022

BrainBreak: Työikäisten muistisairauksien tutkimus Pohjois-Suomessa 24.11.2021

More information:

Irja Kärkkäinen,
Development manager, Oulu Brain & Mind